Monday, May 4, 2009

the life of the poor but famous..

Oh yes its the, work is paying off. Its been hard with the new hours..not that my hours are constantly changing its the fact of getting used to the sleep and getting some of it. I am excited to be getting to go to candis grad party..maybe anthony will cha cha who knows??  If anyone wants to laugh histerically then lets all get together and watch me and my husband get but seriously. Mckenzie is still on the toilet training program..that is the program were i get after her for having accidents and she sits on the potty and its pointless b/c he already went..grr..i feel like i am herding chickens with this one..its really a challenge. I pray she finally gets the hang of things..and gets with the program. I am ready to be off for the next eight days..i always am planning what i will do..its remembering them on the days off. Well..till then andeeleigh

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